Tuki Wasi Program carries out the first local Public Consultation of 2023 in Huánuco

  • Tuki Wasi Program carries out the first Public Consultation of 2023 in the province of Pachitea, department of Huánuco.

Within the framework of the implementation of the Tuki Wasi Program, the Ruru Tarpuy and Microsol Association, in collaboration with the Center for Attention and Social Promotion (CAPSocial), carried out the local Public Consultation process of 2023 in the district of Panao, province of Pachitea , department of Huánuco, on July 15. The objective of this consultation was to continue making the population aware of the main characteristics of the Program, collect their contributions and comments, as well as answer questions and exchange relevant information about the process. 

The consultation was held in the closed Coliseum of the district of Panao, province of Pachitea, department of Huánuco, and had the registered participation of 148 attendees (117 women and 31 men) from 28 populated centers such as Chuncacuna Baja, Mantacocha, Huaman, Purupampa, Pata Church, Huampapuna, Chinchaucro, Aurimachay, Marca Marca Chair, Raco, Macorgoto, Huanin, Yuracmarca, Tirishuanca, Winchuspata, Tipsa, New Century, Coñaica, Yanuna, San Juan, Charamayo, Tomayrica, Condorhuaca, Huiyan, Mantacocha, Dos Wells, Carancho, Tipsa Alta, Colicocha, Loma Colorada. 

The call with a majority participation of women is highlighted, with a 79% attendance. Among the attendees were the presidents of the local glass of milk, representatives of local groups, end users, and potential users of the Program. 

There were also mayors of the populated centers, lieutenant governors, agentmunicipal and populated centers, communal presidencies and vice-presidencies, judges ofe Paz, installers, as well as local population.  

Part of the Public Consultation process implies recording all the interventions of the attendees, and thus evaluating their incorporation in the implementation and improvement of the Tuki Wasi Program.

The last local Public Consultations of 2023 are planned in the following months, and they will be held in the department of Cajamarca.

About the Tuki Wasi Program

In November 2021, Microsol signed an agreement with the Swiss institutions Climate Cent Foundation (CCF) and the KliK Foundation to create the first agreement for the purchase of Mitigation Results (ITMO) in the world under article 6.2 of the Paris Agreement.

In this way, the Tuki Wasi Program, which is one of the first ITMO programs for improved stoves in the world, and the first ITMO Program in Peru.

The Tuki Wasi Program hopes to install 60,000 improved stoves nationwide, which will benefit approximately 300,000 people in vulnerable areas of the country. Through these stoves, the aim is to reduce GHG emissions between 480,000 and 960,000 tCO2e by the year 2030.

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