Microsol performs baseline monitoring in Guatemala

Microsol, working together with our partner EcoComal, has been supervising the Baseline monitoring campaign of the Utsil Naj program in vulnerable communities in Guatemala.

During the Base Line monitoring campaigns, training actions are carried out, open dialogue is promoted between the different actors of the program, and visits are made to families in the field to collect information on their habits (firewood consumption, times, among others). The process is carried out with the support of local interviewers and the accompaniment of a specialist.

"First we meet to indicate the process to follow, then the work is observed, feedback is provided and finally recommendations are given by both parties, EcoComal and Microsol", indicates the Microsol specialist who is currently participating in this process.


Utsil Naj Program

Utsil Naj, Mayan for “a healthy home for all”, was established in 2012 and covers Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras. The main challenge of having projects in different Latin American countries is that each location presents its own characteristics. Therefore, for Microsol, it is essential to consider the context, the needs, perceptions of each community, and the key actors, the success of the program will depend on it.

About EcoComal

EcoComal is a Guatemalan company with an environmental focus that designs, manufactures and sells ecological stoves that allow reductions of up to 60% in firewood consumption, compared to a traditional open fire comal or traditional stove. Together with Microsol, within the framework of the Utsil Naj Program, they promote the installation of these stoves to reduce gas emissions that harm the health of human beings and pollute the environment.

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